I actually get to be somewhat of an aunt to this one. My sister lives in town & I offered to babysit whenever she needed me too. We'll see how it goes. It's been a while since I've been around a new born, or any baby for that matter. My brother was the last one, and he turned 11 this year.
OH!! and for any of you that know about the 3 yr struggle I've had in getting my birth certificate...it FINALLY came in the mail on Saturday!!!! :D :D :D Look out world! Jen's getting a job & driver's license all within a month! I can't wait to start cruising town in my baby: black '00 Honda CR-V...it needs a nickname, so if anybody has some suggestions, just leave them in a comment below.
Depending on your car's personality I would say the either of the following three names:
Choose as you will.
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