The beginning of a new semester always has me fired up. I love getting in there and having teachers make me think "outside the box." Though that's nothing new for me. I've always had a different way of thinking compared to most people. Especially when it comes to my life and the things I want from my life.
Going to a community college has been a completely different experience for me compared to the major campus living that I did last year. Universities are filled with kids fresh out of high school with dreams as big as the sky...endless possibilities on what their life could be. Community college is filled with a lot of mom's who have decided to come back to school after raising their families, or people looking for a career change.
In my computer concepts class yesterday the teacher had us all go around the room and tell our names, majors, where we were from, and what our dream job was. I was the second person in the class to go. I go through the whole thing & tell the class that I want to go into public relations/music management and that my dream job is to work for a record label. After this I sit and listen to about 20 more people say that they're going to become nurses while listing off these AMAZING dream jobs. It got me to thinking, "What happened in their life that made them give up? Why did they stop dreaming?"
I've always had a really strong support system that has said that I can do anything I put my mind to. It doesn't hurt that I'm an extremely focused and driven person once I set my mind to something. I just don't understand how something can make you give up on your dreams no matter your age. If you want to be a ballerina...GO FOR IT! Wanna be a vet...AWESOME! DO IT!!
I don't think you should ever settle in life. I know that I could find a good PR job in the town I live in and make a good life for myself, but I would forever live with the fact that I could have done more, that I did nothing more but settle for second best. I know I'm destined for more than second best.
Of all people, my US Government teacher brought everything full circle today. I'm not sure how it came up but we were discussing risks. This entire country that we live on was built on a RISK! Our founding fathers took a chance to change things and look at what happened. They were willing to lose EVERYTHING to have a better life for not only themselves but for future generations that they didn't even know.
I'm not doing anything that drastic, but by trying to live my dream life, I'm taking major risk and dealing with a lot of haters and doubt. There are so many people right now that have NO faith in me, that want to see me fail so they can say "I told you so." What they don't know is that they push me harder to succeed because I want to prove them wrong. I want this soo bad I can taste it. I have never wanted anything like I want this my entire life.
- keep working out
- stay focused on school
- schoolwork before everything else
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