Pop Punk/Alternative music has always been my heart and soul. Thanks you Simple Plan. When I was...13? 14? (age is a little blurry) it seemed like those guys were the only ones that understood how...let's just say it...shitty my life was. "Welcome to My Life", "Shut Up", and "Untitled" seemed to really get me, or I got them. When I was mad at EVERYONE (and that was all the time back then) I'd throw "Still Not Getting Any" in the CD player and blast it, resulting in mom pounding on the door, screaming at me to turn it down. and then there's the wonderful pop punk queen known to the world as Avril Lavigne. Her music was my Taylor Swift back then. (I am in NO WAY comparing the 2, because there is no comparison, just saying Avril's music spoke to me back then much in the same way that Taylor's does for a lot of young girls now)Avril's "Girlfriend" was to me what Taylor's "You Belong With Me" is to a lot of people today...only Avril was a lot more blunt & in your face about it, which I love.
Suddenly, these 2 staples in my life fell off the music radar. For a while it was top 40 artists after top 40 artists. I kinda stopped listening to music unless I was in the car. and then...well then I heard these guys

Better known as Fall Out Boy. I wasn't really sure about them at first, just like anything else, but they grew on me. I never fell in love with them, or their music (SORRY PETE!!) but it did lead me to friends who introduced me to an entire world of pop punk/alternative artists.
Since then it's been a domino effect:

There's soooo many others that should be on this list, but then, it could go on forever. I like to be different. I don't want to be into the same things everyone else is or listen to what everyone else is because that's the trend. My music is DIFFERENT. Mostly bands that no one where I live have ever heard of, or at least not yet. I want to be part of the industry that changes that for the majority of the guys on this list.
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