Last night, my little sister decided to look up a bunch of kids she had gone to elementary school with before we moved to the town we live in now. It sparked an interest in me, so I took some time today to do the same thing. As much fun as it was to see how everyone had changed in the 10 years since I moved, I felt no desire to friend request any of them. In fact, the more I thought about it, the less I wanted to get to know any of them again. I remembered all the stuff they had done to me as a kid, and the shit they put me through.
I know people change, and that everyone deserves a second chance, but there are just some things that I can't forgive. The majority of those girls made my middle school years a living HELL and to this day I don't know why. All I ever wanted was to be their friend, to be a part of their group and I was never good enough for them. Don't get me started on the guys. My 5th grade crush...what the HELL was I thinking back then?! The ones that I was "friends" with, there are some that I would love to catch up with, but the rest, not so much.
I'm thankful that I got out of there when I did. I don't know what would have happened if I had gone through high school with those kids. I know for sure that I wouldn't be the person I am today. I would have been broken long before I got to know who I was. I would be insecure and not as confident about myself as I am now.
"Sometimes God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers..." thanks for having my back God, you always know what's best for me.
<3 Jen
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