Me, last summer, as usual, in my shades.
My family consist of me, my two younger sisters, my little brother, my mom, and my dog. My parents divorced when I was 5 and I really don't see my dad much. He's never been a huge part of my life. For the most part I'm ok with that, but sometimes I wish he would care a little more. My grandma is also a really big part of my life. She's my confidant. She listens to all my problems and lets me have a good cry when it's necessary.
My puppy, Toby.
Music is a huge part of my life. I don't play any instruments, but find music so inspirational. I love how it can perk me up when I'm feeling awful, or if I want to be mad at the world, there's a song for that too. I love musicians my own age. I can relate to them the most because they're going through the same things I am. Some of my favorite artists right now: most definitely the Jonas Brothers. Yes, they're amazingly good looking, but I like them for so many other reasons. Their lives make me want to be the best that I can be. They live in the spot light, yet they're so grounded. They inspire me to reach for my dreams, no matter how crazy or unattainable they seem. Dreams can come true if you're willing to work for them. I don't care if people say that they've changed or that they're selling out, or that it's all about the money. I still support these boys 110%. They truly love what they do. Taylor Swift is also one of my favorites. I love how she can write a song about what she's going through and not care if she hurts some one's feelings. Sometimes guys need to have their feelings hurt; their egos bruised. I think she draws girls everywhere together through her music. We all go through the same experiences, but in different ways. Her music has really helped me get through some of the awful relationships in my life and told me that it's going to be OK. Love Demi, Boys like Girls, Push Play, Lesley Roy, pretty much any artists with good music and good lyrics.
Well that's it for today. I'm not much in the mood for writing right now. I just found out a few hours ago that my uncle out in Las Vegas passed away. If you're religious at all, please pray for my family. Thank you.
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