Well I have nothing better to do tonight, so I thought I'd get another blog out there for all of you. Since my family is so important to me, it's only fair that you guys get to know them a little bit
Probably the most important person in my life. She's taught me so much about life. I don't know if she knows that or not. One of the most important lessons I learned from her is how important it is to be able to depend on yourself. You are the one person that no matter what, you have to deal with for the rest of your life, so what ever you do, you better be happy with, or at least be able to live with it. Honestly one of the strongest women I know. I don't know if I would have been able to raise 4 kids all by my self like she did. I love her to death and am proud to call her my mom. She's also one of my best friends, but knows when it's time to be the parent. She's never forced me to talk to her, and she's never been one to invade my privacy. I have a really close relationship with her and am thankful that I can when so many other kids don't have good relationships with their parents

Or Liz, or Ellie, or whatever name I just happen to call her. She's probably going to kill me if/when she sees this picture. Elizabeth is my oldest younger sister, who will be 16 in March. We're really close. She's my personal stylist and always tells me when I'm walking out the door looking retarded. She was probably my first best friend. We've kinda grown apart since I went to school, but she's still one of my favorite people to talk to. She's so out going and spunky. Very loud and talkative, but I wouldn't have her any other way. She loves to draw and is really good at it. I hope she follows her dream of becoming and interior designer, because I think she would be really good at it. She's totally designing my house some day! She's also much better than me at holding down a relationship.

That's Adam, her boyfriend of more than a year. This kid is so cool! He has great taste in music, and can play the guitar. He's been great to my sister and I think he really does love her, as much as a 16 year old guy can. I love the kid and wouldn't be upset if he became a permanent part of our family some day. Sorry for randomly bringing him up, but you can't talk about "Ellie" without talking about Adam. The two are joined at the hip I swear, but he makes her happy and that's good enough for me. If he ever hurts her though, he'll totally have to deal with the big, bad older sister!

Also known as Sam or Sammy. My youngest sister at almost 15. Underneath that tough exterior is a heart of pure gold. Sam and I have started getting along more as she grows up. You can totally tell that she was the baby for the longest time. She thinks the world is unfair and no one treats her right. She wants the best for everyone though. She's very different from both Elizabeth and I. She's not quiet, but she's not as loud as Elizabeth. She's definitely got her own opinions on how the world works and isn't afraid to tell everyone what she thinks. I love that about her. I tend to conform to the ideas of those around me and these two don't. I'm proud of them for that. I can't wait to see what the future holds for this one. It's going to be interesting and something we've never heard of I'm sure.
My fun loving little brother. He's got to be the coolest kid I know. He is always acting insane and goofy and constantly puts me in a good mood. It's hard to be mad when you're around this kid. He's had it pretty rough the last 2 years though. He was diagnosed with
Tourettes Syndrome. That's been pretty hard for me to accept. He constantly jerks and jumps and has trouble focusing. There's a possibility that he could out grow it, or at least be able to manage it better than he does someday, but right now we just take it a day at a time. I can't believe he's already 11. I'm not ready for this kid to be a teenager. It's one thing for my sisters, I know what they're going through. It's going to be strange when he brings a girl home for the first time. I'm actually can't wait to see what kind of girl she is. Will she be more like me, Elizabeth, or Sam? It's definitely going to be an interesting experience.

I can't talk about my family and not mention my baby! This is Toby, our family dog. He's a
maltese mix. He's the best dog in the whole wide world, and one of the best behaved ones we've ever had. We taught him a few months ago how to give "five" and now he's learned the difference between a "high five" and a "low five". He's so smart!! I've also never seen a dog ride in a car like he does. He sits in the back and just looks out the window. He doesn't walk all over the car or try to lick the windows. He's honestly the best dog to travel with. He's so sweet and has a wonderfully playful personality. I miss him to death while I'm at school. Ask anyone at my house. That's my dog. I wish I could have him here with me.
That's the family!
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