Coming to a city near me?! That's a joke. The closest possible city is St. Louis at the end of July. Guess the only person I'll be seeing this summer is TAYLOR SWIFT. 'That's right Joe Jonas, I'm seeing her over you, and you can bet that I'll be hating right along with Taylor.
- buying new shoes
- buying Taylor Swift Merch @ her concert
- taking my sister to dinner & a movie for her Sweet 16
- making my first insurance payment on my car!!
- new DVDs (i've been needing to add to the collection for a while now)
- earrings, necklaces, bracelets, to match all the cute shirts i got last weekend
- maybe a few low budget concerts...because some people actually recognize ARKANSAS as a worthy state to tour in
- buy new stuff for my dorm room next semester.
- new steering wheel cover and mats for my car
sorry guys. i'm just a little ticked about this. i still love the boys, but i'm sick of being a fan from the sidelines. i had a great feeling about this year and it was crushed in a total of 3 seconds.
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