It's been a busy week here: babysitting, hanging out with the girls, graduations, Tupperware parties, swim practice...the list goes on and on, but hey, it's summer, so I'm completely allowed to be busy beyond what I would normally be. That's why summer has got to be my favorite time of the year. I can have a schedule, but for the most part my day is completely spontaneous; I can do whatever I want without a moments notice.
Babysitting has been going pretty good. I started watching my niece, Whitney, a few weeks ago. It's a fairly easy job, and for the most part she's a well behaved child. I could live without the 3 hrs of Dora/Diego she made me watch one of the first days I had her. I'm not that into just sitting a kid in front of the T.V. and they have no interaction with anyone. They don't have to use their imagination to come up with something to do. Recently we've been turning the T.V. off after about an hr and turning on "Aunt Jenna"'s iPod and dancing around while I do chores or help her pick up her room. She really likes the classic Disney stuff and couldn't stop when I got on an Honor Society kick a few days ago. We had one bad day when she found a blue crayon in her room and decided to color all over her T.V. stand. Whit spend a good long time in time out for that one, but since then she's figured out who's the boss when I'm around.
Tuesday night I spent some time with my high school best friends. I see them every now and then, but it's not very often that we get together as a group and hang out. Honestly, if you had told me in high school that these girls would be the ones that I would still be hanging out with 2 yrs later, I probably would have laughed in your face. I did not want to be friends with these girls; my reputation & who I was seen with was far more important than their friendship. Shallow, I know, but I kinda was back then. Sara, who has been there for me since the 8th grade, was the perfect definition of a nerd. She spent all her free time studying and it used to take every ounce of effort to get her to go out with me on the weekends. Never had a boyfriend, except for a 2 wk stint with one of my exs (in the 10th grade), but within the last year she's really come out of her shell. She finally found that perfect balance between school and social life and I couldn't be more proud of her. Even though there were times where I treated her horribly and wanted absolutely nothing to do with her, I'm glad she kept me around. I don't know what I would do without her. She was there through all my awful high school mistakes, the boys, the dances, the drama...she knows me almost better than I know myself.
Started my Summer Reading Challenge this week with Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen.

Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy represent a pretty typical relationship type that I've begun to notice more often in literature and even movies: the couple that hates each other, fight all the time, and really to the outside would no one understands why they would want to be with each other, but somehow, for some reason, they love each other with a passion that most are extremely jealous of.
A few examples you ask? Here's my argument:
- Noah & Allie:
anyone that saw The Notebook remembers how often Noah and Allie would fight. Heck, look at the way Noah asked her out for the first time and then she forgets all about it, or acts like she does. and then of course there's the end of the movie where Allie comes back after that summer and her & Noah have the most epic of all love spats.
"So, it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day. Will you do something for me, please? Just picture your life for me? Thirty years from now, forty years from now? What's it look like? If it's with him- go. Go! I lost you once, I think I can do it again, if I thought that's what you really wanted. But don't you take the easy way out"Noah could not have summed it up better. Love is really hard. You have to work at it every day, but when it's with someone that you truly love, that work seems like nothing. Sure they got on each others nerves nonstop, but that's what made it interesting, they constantly challenged each other. - Chuck & Blair

I have to admit, being a fan of the Gossip Girl books, I never saw a Chuck & Blair pairing coming. The more I get into the show, the more I love this couple. They are the quintessential "love to hate" couple. They are constantly fighting, scheming, and hurting each other. Hell, Chuck offered Blair to his uncle for his hotel and she still wants to be with him!!! Their relationship makes no sense to even the most logical, but somehow, through it all, their love stands in every test they put it through.
This list could go on and on, but Casanova is on, it's towards the end, which is like the BEST part, so I'm gonna go finish watching it and work on some stuff around the house since I have the day off. Guys, just remember, love isn't always simple and easy. We fight it, we ignore it, we wait for it to happen to is powerful, it's a choice. If I have to fight for the love of my life like these 3 couples did, well I hope it's one hell of a fight because it will end up being the death of me.
Love you guys! Have a great week!
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