I remember EXACTLY where I was when this world

My tween/teen/young adult life has been dedicated to watching these 3 kids grow up.

A story of bravery, friendship, courage, loyalty, full of characters that ANYONE could identify with.
I was always Hermione.

Back when being a girl and being smart got you teased for no reason, she was a pillar of strength in my young life. Here was a girl saying "I'm gonna be smart, and kick major ass while doing it!" There were times when even she had to let her guard down and be a bit vulnerable, but even then her courage and strength were something I looked up to and wanted to emmulate. As I got older, I not only realized that Hermione was more than that. I feel like I owe so much of who I am as a young woman today to her character. I don't take "no" for an answer. If you tell me I can't, I'll show you I can. I'm guarded when it comes to love and relationships, but once I'm in, I'm 100% in, fully committed. I value my friends and family above all else and would do ANYTHING to protect them. Also, we both had that AWFUL, unruly, curly hair as kids that we FINALLY managed to learn how to tame! :)
Once I fully discovered the world of Harry Potter, it was midnight book releases, seeing the movies on the weekends it came out, t-shirts, toys, stuffed animals, you name it, I probably had some version of it with Harry's face on it.
So, what's a girl to do when another massively huge fandom comes knocking at the door? That's right, I'm talking about Twilight.

I know! I know! but hear me out. I became a fan of Twilight back in '05 (I think, the dates are a little fuzzy), before the movies, before Team Edward/Team Jacob, before Rob, Kristen, Taylor. One of my friends had been reading Twilight and told me I should check it out since I liked Harry Potter so much. This was around Thanksgiving of that year. At Christmas, with a little extra cash in my pocket, I set out on a hunt for this "Twilight" book that my friend loved so much. I searched EVERY store! Books a Million, Barnes & Noble, Wal-Mart, Target...I tried them all! No one had the book (and now it won't go away! oh the irony..)FINALLY, hidden away on the bottom self, all the way in the back of the teen section at Hastings, I find a paperback copy for something like $10.
I'm a girl, so I automatically fell in love with the romance of Twilight. Hard core romance was the one thing Harry Potter lacked. I loved every bit of it. My old copy of Twilight sits on my shelf, just as battered and bruised as my Harry Potter books.
Just like with Potter, midnight book releases and movie premieres became my life. I think I was looking for something to cling to while I waited desperately for the final Harry Potter book. Twilight was that for me.

So yeah...I live in two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT worlds. Sometimes they fight with each other, and everyone is always trying to make one better than the other, but hey, I do the same thing with my siblings on a daily basis.
I ♥ Harry
Team Emmett
Hermione is my hero
Still think Bella should have gone with Jacob
Ron will always be my favorite red-head (after Travis Clark!)
Bottom line? I can't choose sides. I won't choose sides.
"I'm Switzerland! I'm neutral."
♥ Jen
p.s. Potter had Rob first. Twilight made him a star, but Harry Potter brought him a little more into the public eye.
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