Hold on Tight was one of my favorite albums of 2008. I literally kept the album on repeat my entire freshmen year of college. I told everyone I knew about them and constatly compared them to Paramore.
When I found out that they were releasing new music this summer, I, like many other fans, got excited. I counted down the days until Beneath It All was released. I followed the band on Twitter religiously for any news on the album and listened to the songs as the band released them on Myspace.
Then the album actually came out. I downloaded it and like I said, 3 songs in I had to turn it off. This wasn't the Hey Monday I had fallen in love with. In fact, this wasn't even pop punk/punk rock/alternative music.
While all of the album wasn't awful, I wish they would have taken the time to make it a full album like originally planned and not just an EP. I'm gonna go through song by song and give a review/rating of each.
Wish You Were Here 3/5 stars
The music and lyrics are pretty catchy. There's really not much to it though. It's the same few lines over and over again. After about a minute and a half, that gets stale.
Best lyric:
Every day fades to black
Sick and tired of pretending, darling
That you'll ever come back
Wondergirl 4/5 stars
I really like this song. I think it says a lot for female empowerment & not letting a guy control your life. It's like a big "F*ck you" to every guy that has ever done a girl wrong. This girl, the minute she gets free of the guy, he wants her to come back and save him, but she won't.
Best lyric:
Wonder girl, go save yourself"
I Don't Wanna Dance 4.5/5 stars
This song is the lead single off the EP. I think Hey Monday made a great choice in choosing this as their single. The song has the typical Hey Monday sound with catchy lyrics and an infectious melody.
Best lyric: I can't pick just one!! It's soooo good! :D
Hangover 5/5 stars
I LOVE the metaphors in this song! I can't say that enough. I've never had a hangover, but I have had my heart broken and I can tell you, if/when that ever happens again, this will be one of the first songs I go to. My immediate reaction to this song was that it was a somewhat girly-er version of Boys Like Girls "Love Drunk." I think it paints a great image of what a bad break up feels like.
Best lyric:
The shake in my lip from the look in your eyes
Makes me want to die
I've got the worst hangover from you
Mr. Pushover 1/5 stars
Don't even get me started on this song. The country vibe, the lyrics that have NO depth...seriously, slow it down, add an acoustic guitar and this could totally pass as a Taylor Swift song. I feel sorry for whoever Mr. Pushover is for even being included on this album.
Best lyric: are you kidding me?!
Where Is My Head 4.5/5 stars
AHHH! Another classic Hey Monday song! Every had someone that you knew was bad for you but you just didn't care? That's this song. I love the lyrics, the music, it's everything I would expect from Hey Monday. Remember the "good girl" from Cobra Starship's, Good Girls Go Bad? Figuaratively, I could see this song being written by the "good girl." I love it!
Best lyric:
But your mouth and body's got the best of me
Don't just take my word for it, though. Here are reviews from some other, more credible sources.
Alt Press
Download: “Where Is My Head”
Blame Magazine
IDOBI Network
And just when I thought that this "sophomore slump" couldn't get any worse, Hey Monday's bassist, Jersey, has decided to leave the band. He wrote a letter to his fans via Tumblr. Then followed up with this note thanking his fans for all their support and well wishes.
Hopefully this doesn't spell the end for Hey Monday and they'll be able to pull out one killer album next time around. This fan will wait, somewhat unpatiently, for that day.
<3 Jen
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