Work gives me a lot of time to think and this was one of the things that crossed my mind a few nights ago. Actually it was more like "What would it be like to spend 24 hours with Sarah Dessen?" because I think the two of us would get along well, what with our love of pop culture and T.V. and all
I posed the question to my Twitter followers and got some interesting responses; people that I wouldn't normally think typical of a "spend a day with _____" list.
Now, there are some stipulations to this list.
If you choose a celebrity/someone famous, you have to behave as normal as possible. This isn't a "follow a celebrity" type thing. The people on this list, while most are well known for something, are people that I want to talk to, ask questions, get advice from. They're accomplished in their trade or have interesting lives that we can learn from.
So, here goes the list.

So what if she's old enough to be my mom. I've been following her on Twitter for ages & we have so much in common it's almost scary. We ADORE GMA and can't go without it to start our mornings. She got me addicted to Friday Night Lights, one of the BEST T.V. shows in the world. Something about her just seems like she would be a fun person to be around. I'd love to pick her brain about all things writing. Even though I'm not a great fiction/creative writer, I want to get better because I love to write. Maybe Sarah would have some tips for me.

Oh come on, you knew he would make this list. Seriously though, for the longest time, I've wanted nothing more than to just TALK to this boy. About what, I don't really know. At only 18, he seems so wise beyond his years. I'd love a chance to sit and talk about life, music, politics, whatever came up.

I'm pretty sure this lady is only part of the reason I'm so interested in journalism. I in no way want to be in front of a camera, but to be the one behind the scenes, asking the hard hitting questions. She's interviewed so many amazing people and been to some of the world's most beautiful places as well as some of the scariest and most dangerous. I'm sure she's got a lot of wisdom and knowledge that she could share with a budding [music] journalist.

Kara was featured in this month's issue of Seventeen magazine. I had no idea she was as influential to the music industry as she is. For someone who wants to get into the business, I would love to spend a day with her. See what she does, ask her some questions. Learn anything and everything I can about her side of the music industry.

I admire these 3 girls so much. They are successful, beautiful, independent 20-somethings. Whitney is a designer, Lo has her blog, and LC...she's done it all: fashion, successful author, inspiring role model. These girls are everything I hope to be over the next 10 years.

Give me 24 hours with these guys: no concert, no music...just a group of friends hanging out, having fun. I seriously want to take these 4 out riding around in my hometown...backroads, windows down, radio turned up, just having fun. Maybe hit up a weekend bonfire or Friday/Saturday night football game. I know for a fact that they're all great guys, all I want is 24 hours to just HAVE FUN!
There you have it. A list of people I would LOVE to spend 24 hours with. What about you? If you had 24 hours, who would you want to spend it with?
<3 Jen
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