With all the advertising they've been doing, it got me to thinking about my own obsession for fall T.V. My "premiere week" started at the beginning of the month with the return of a few of my favorite shows, as well as new shows to fall in love with.
Seeing as I have yet to discover the world that is DVR & Tivo, I spend a lot of my time catching up on these shows on the weekend since I work most nights when they air. My schedule can get a little confusing, but once I break it down into days, it's not that bad.

The beach, the boys, the drama. I'm a little too young to have watched the original BH 90210 (I've seen some episodes though), but I adore 90210. The season's just starting and already the drama, lies, and secrets are more than anyone is going to be able to handle.

CHUCK'S NOT DEAD!! That was the best news ever as I watched the Season 4 premiere of GG a few weeks ago. I'm already scratching my head though, trying to figure things out and stay one step ahead of Gossip Girl herself. What's going to become of the Dan-Serena-Nate Triangle? What about Chuck & Blair??? and who the heck is the new girl hanging out with Nate?!

Started watching this with my mom last season & became addicted. The people, the stories, and I mean, who doesn't love Bob & Jillian yelling at you to work a little harder. I usually end up crying by the end & feeling the need to spend the next 24 hrs in the gym.

Tyra Banks, fashion, catfights...do I need to say more?

LOVE LOVE LOVE this show!! It's based in my FAVORITE city in the whole wide world, Memphis, Tennessee, so you get tons of beautiful shots of the river and downtown. And just last week, I found out that Ashley Tisdale's character, Savannah, is from Millington! *starts humming "It's a Small World" theme* Millington, for those of you who don't religiously stalk me on Twitter, is where Justin Timberlake is from, where my mom's childhood best friend lives. I visit Millington more than Memphis itself. So yes, I had a minor freak out over that. Anyway..back to the point. The show is only 2 episodes in, but I think it's going to be completely amazing. I'm excited to see what challenge they throw at Marty next.

AHHHH!!! I am beyond excited for the new season of GA! After that major shooting that ended last season, and Mer losing the baby, I can already tell that this season is going to be full D-R-A-M-A.
What shows are you guys obsessing over this fall? Maybe I'll add a few of them to my weekly line-up.
<3 Jen
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