stuck in my head all week. Probably because I can relate to it a lot right now. Life is changing quite rapidly as I type this. I've never been a huge fan of change, but know it's necessary to life, so I've learned to embrace it. While some changes aren't always good, changes are what cause us to grow as people. They are what create the atmosphere for some of life's greatest adventures.
I'm setting out on a new adventure & I couldn't be more excited about it. If you're a faithful reader of my blog, you know how my dreams and goals have changed over the last few years. I went from wanting to be a history major with a foreign language minor, to discovering my love and passion for music and writing.
I've joked about working for Pete Wentz, writing for Rolling Stone magazine, even doing PR work for MTV...with this change in life, all those dreams could one day be a reality.
Recently, life gave me another chance to live out one of my dreams: promoting and managing a band.
That's right people, I'm managing and promotiong my very first band!

Such Great Heights is a group of people with major talent. I can't wait to begin the journey we're embarking on. I've known a few of the members for what seems like my entire life. The music is amazing and I can't wait until I have the chance to share it with the entire world. These guys (and gal!) have all the drive and talent it takes to make it in the music industry today; or at least I think they do.
I'm not sure what the future holds for all of us, but I know that if we give it our all, there's nothing that we won't be able to do. We've got some big goals, and even crazier dreams, and I have faith that we'll accomplish all that we set out to do.
Check out the band on Facebook and follow them on Twitter
Lots of new and exciting stuff coming in the next few weeks. I can't wait for you guys to see it all. Make sure you're following those accounts for all the latest news.
<3 Jen
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