I'd forgotten how fun it was to constatly be surrounded by people your own age who are on a similar path as you. We hung out in her room and then caught the football game

The home team won, which was great. It was a good game.
But I still can't get over the fact that all my friends are moving on and I'm still stuck in this rut...this town, this mindset.
In high school I was the social one while my best friend was the one who would spend every night at home studying or catching up on TV shows from that weekend. Now it seems like we've switched roles. I don't think what I'm feeling is jealousy, because I'm really happy that she's finally come out of her shell and become the person that she is right now.
I feel a little left out...a little upset...but I still love her to death. We're on completely different paths right now and it's ok. We'll still be friends 20 years from now because she knows me, things about me, that not many other people do.
Then there's the constant debate of getting back into school. I'm probably going back in the spring & after I finish there I'll have a 2 year degree.
This means that it's time to start looking into 4 year schools to finish out my degree. I think I found a school. I'm in love with the football team and after the virtual tour I took of the campus this morning online...it's beautiful
But I've fallen in love with a campus before only to end up hating the people. I really don't want that to be this school. Their Public Relations program is one of the best in the country though. And with the school that it is, I know I would be getting exactly where I want to be in the next 10 years.
It's all about taking that leap of faith. It's so hard to put your trust in everything...being afraid...I don't want to fail (again). I don't want to let people down. I want to be successful. I want people to remember me.
Someone book me a flight to Neverland, because this "growing up" thing? yeah, it sucks.
<3 Jen
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