Who exactly is Honor Society? Check out my profile on each guy:
Michael Bruno
twitter: @RiskyBusinessMB
Jason Rosen
twitter: @theroser
Andrew Lee
twitter: @IAMtheCOMMODORE
Alexander Noyes
twitter: @thePISTOL
Must Know Honor Society Terms:
1. Gentlemen: term used by fans when talking about the boys. comes from a group of old youtube videos
2. PPP: Pinkberry Parking lot Party. the guys are known for throwing quite the party at Pinkberry when in California, or so I've heard. check their tweets for all the deails
3. No Duh: term used by the gents when ending SayNow, Myspace, Facebook messages.
4. Crush: to complete a task. example "crushing a recording session" I think Mike started this one on twitter
5. Honor Roll: the dance to "See U in the Dark" a must learn for every fan
Songs you MUST listen to
1. See U in the Dark
2. Two Rebels
3. Full Moon Crazy
4. Over You
5. Where Are You Now (from the Bandslam soundtrack)
I've given you a pretty good start, now, go out and discover for yourself the awesomeness that is HONOR SOCIETY
♥ Jen
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